Public JournalReviews

My First Juicing Experience


I’m going to take a shot in the dark here and guess that you are curious about Juicing? Well, this was my experience with it! It’ll change your life.


Day 1
Date: 3/31/16
Weight: 180.2


Morning Glory
• 2 Granny Smith Apples
• 2 Cups Kale (loosely packed)
• Half a Cucumber
• 2 in Ginger Root
• 1 Cup Red Grapes

Mean Green
• 2 Granny Smith Apples
• 5 Cups Kale (loosely packed)
• Half a Cucumber
• 1 Lemon
• 4 Branches of Celery
• 2 in Ginger Root

Juicing is far different than I was expecting. I don’t feel hungry at all! Though it does seem odd not eating any solid foods, my body still doesn’t crave them. I’m Just not used to it.


Day 2:
Date: 4/1/16
Weight: 172


Juice Jolt
• 2 Granny Smith Apples
• 2.5 Cups Kale (loosely packed)
• 1 Whole Cucumber
• 1 Orange

Green Machine
• 4 Cups Kale
• 6 Branches of Celery
• 1 Granny Smith Apple
• 3 in Ginger Root
• 4 Carrots

Everyone said the first day would be the hardest, and it was easy! Still no sign of headaches, hunger or aggravation. I still want solid food, but now I feel like I want a salad, not a pizza. Which is odd because I never really liked salad to begin with. In the Green Machine, I noticed a subtle burning sensation whilst going down, but turns out it’s Just a chemical reaction with the kale. Nothing bad enough to make me stop, Just something to note.


Day 3:
Date: 4/2/16
Weight: 167.4


• 2 Carrots
• 1 Ginger Thumb
• 2 Granny Smith Apples
• Half a cucumber

Apple Juice
• 4 Apples

So far have dropped 12.8lbs, and I feel great! I still haven’t been hungry and I’m starting to get used to only having liquid! I never did have any of the negative effects that everyone says will happen in the first 3 days. Which is amazing! I actually enJoying myself doing this!


Day 4:
Date: 4/3/16
Weight: 165.8


• The remainder of my ingredients

Today didn’t go so well. I had horrible sleep last night, and waking up wasn’t any easier. Most of today I had a headache in my temple, and my hands were shaking. I decided to finish off my ingredients, but not return to the store for more. Decided I would eat and apple without Juicing it, and after about an hour, I felt much better! However, I think I’m going to end my full-time Juicing. I will still Juice, but not for every meal. I have dropped 14.4lbs in Just over 3 days and it’s amazing! It was definitely worth it, and I recommend it if you’re struggling with weight. It will seem odd at first not eating anything, but you get used to it pretty quick. It was a very weird feeling to actually bite into an apple after all this, but it felt good to go back to solid foods. My Journey is not at an end, Just simply not constant. This is only the beginning. I’ll have linked the Juicer I used down below. Happy Juicing!


If you’re looking for more Juicing tips and recipes I recommend


If you are looking to buy a Juicer, I recommend the Vonshef Slow Juicer. It Juices slowly so you get more out of your ingredients. I use it and it’s amazing! You can get it on Amazon here.
