Public Journal

My Date with Adult in Training

logoLast year my friend Sydni was in a play and asked me to attend. I gladly accepted, I Love the theater! What I was unaware of was what would change my life. The lead of this play was none other than Lauren Baily, a local theater star, and writer of Adult in Training! But I didn’t know that at the time. I Just knew her as some girl on some stage. Sydni had told me about her a few times prior, but I didn’t put two and two together until about half was through the play. So after the show I spoke with her, but only briefly. She had a lot of people to speak with that night. I went home and wrote her a letter instead. The next day I got a text from her and we decided to meet up. Only took us nearly a year! I saw her 2 other times past that during a different show. One that was so good that I had to go again, I wrote about it earlier. You can check that out here!


So it’s nearly a year later and we’re finally going for that coffee. But first allow me to clarify, this is not a date, I call it one, but it’s Just two people hanging out, getting to know each other. I have a for details explanation on this, but I won’t get into that now. I got a text a few minutes before entering the shop entailing “I hope you don’t mind, I was with Brett today so she tagged along. You two know each other though so I figured it would be okay!”. Which made it a double date… I being the double in that date. It was good, though, I was planning to speak with Brett to arrange a date with her next week and now I don’t need to! I never really got to know her, but I’ve known her for years. One of those relationships where you really Just say “Hello” in passing once a year at camp. But now I know her better. They have known each other since forever, so conversation always kept going. I didn’t understand half of it, but that’s okay. I was amused.

Smokey Row

We met at the Smokey Row which is a great little coffee shop is Des Moines. Which is fabulous shop if you’re ever around the area! Highly recommended. Will likely go there for some of my future Des Moines dates. I arrived about 30 minutes early, so I was Just exploring the area until I realized that they were already inside. Still early I head in, order a coffee and look around. I can’t find them anywhere! Turns out I actually walked right beside them, but Lauren was turned and I didn’t recognize Brett right away. They got tea and I instantly regretted my decision. I didn’t even think of tea, it was a coffee shop! But now I know for next time! 😀


We sat and talked for about an hour. Pardon, let me rephrase. We sat and laughed for about an hour, but there were some words in there somewhere. We bid adios and I returned home. Overall I think it went well, though it was not at all what I was expecting. I figured I would get to know Lauren better, which I did. But I also go to know Brett and realized that they are basically the same person. Separate you would never know, but together… Quoting, body language, hand motions, topics, all the same! It was very interesting, to say the least. We had a chance to be on TV, too! A newscaster from channel 13 came in asking if we were planning on voting for Bernie Sanders. If so we were to give our reasoning on camera for tonight news. However, none of us were planning on it, so he left the shop straight away. We were the only people he even talked to! I’ve been on TV once before, and though it would have been great to be on again, I don’t want to be on for that. Now it’s time for me to head to sleep. It was a fun day, but a lot of driving that’s got me beat! Be sure to check out Lauren on her blog – Adult in Training and I’ll see you all in the next one!