InsomniaPublic Journal

Insomnia Before My Trip To Florida

091130_pillowInsomnia, it can be a serious problem. As of recent I have had really bad insomnia nights. I know in my mind that I should be tired, but I don’t feel like I am at all. Each night I lay down with all my lights off and close my eyes. But once you’re there for 2 hours and you still aren’t asleep, you Just as well get back up! This night I decided to not even waste my time trying to sleep because it hasn’t worked the past few nights, why would I waste my hours trying again?


This is the one night I really do need some sleep now because I have to be alert tomorrow. As some of you know, I moved to Florida last October, but I haven’t been there since December. Great way to start, right? Anyhow, tomorrow I’m driving down to Florida. This time, I’m taking my car, but I know my family doesn’t often drive a manual car, so I’ll be doing all of the 25-hour trip down there by myself. I’ve driven a lot of places, but never that far and on my own. I always travel where we can switch off drivers to ease the work. I Love my car, but owning a manual can be such a pain when no one else can drive it. Then again, no one else can drive it. So it’s all mine! Good with the bad, eh?


My car will be a lot more useful down in Florida. I drive a 2002 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder GT. For all you people who don’t know cars very well. (ME.) That means that I drive a black convertible. Owning a convertible is a fun thing to do, but not all too useful when you’re in Iowa’s weather. Finally taking my baby down to Florida so I can have the top down, my RENT soundtrack blasting and feel the wind in my hair! Florida life has its perks!


It’s currently past 2 am, and that’s not even close to my average time rest as per recent. I’m lucky if my body will allow me to sleep before the clock strikes five! It’s crazy to think that this feels normal, but I really need to change it. Generally, when this type of things happen I will Just stay up all night, take a 2-hour nap in the afternoon and then go to bed at a reasonable time. Though my days have been so busy I haven’t had enough time to do this. Instead, I stare at my computer screen for a few extra hours. Designing, planning, writing, a little gaming, and a whole lot of Friends! I’ve into the fourth season now. It was recommended to me by a friend I met out at sea and it is truly a remarkable show. Highly amusing!


I have no idea how I’m supposed to drive all those hours tomorrow. They say driving tired it worse than driving drunk. 20150602_164032I’ve never driven drunk before, but I do have a few experiences with driving tired. It’s NOT ideal! But I guess I’m going to do it anyway. At least, driving is tiring. By the time I get down to Florida my sleep schedule should be totally reset! Assuming I don’t crash on the way down, but I don’t think that will happen. I hope not anyway. If I do crash, I want to say thank you to all of the people who do get on to read my blog. I know it’s Just starting out, but I have a lot to say, and blogging makes it easy. Thank you.


I wonder if I’m making any sense. I’ll probably read this back later and be completely confused, and maybe you are too. But this is not one of the important posts. This is Just me, J Bolton, with very little sleep and a shiny light coming from his laptop as he clicks keys in order to attempt at forming some sort of story line that will hopefully register some sense in the morning! That’s why I created a separate category for my Insomnia posts. This is the first one, but this kind of thing happens a lot, so I feel it won’t be the last. This posts won’t make a lot of sense, and they may not even be entertaining, but they give me something to do! They also give me something to look back on when I’m old.


When I’m old, see now that seems like an odd statement. When do you become “old”? I feel old, but people say I’m not. I know I’m not elderly, but I grunted when I stood up today, and I think I’m about ready for my newspaper, walker, and Metamucil. I’m getting old. Do you ever want to make sure you we’re thinking of the correct thing? Now I have Metamucil sales in my browser history. There is some weird stuff in there. I look up a lot of things because I think it’s fun to learn, but sometimes I fall too deep into the internet…


nsmb-bullet-billEarlier today I found myself wonder this thought. “What if an angry man walks up to me and says that he has to shoot me, but I can pick where. What is the least likely place that I can get shot and not die?” That is a very weird thought to have, but now I have the answer! The post painful part in the pelvis as it has a lot of nerve endings. The heart would be a bad place, but if you do survive, they can make you an artificial heart. If you get shot in the head it’s bad because you can lose a lot of your brains power, memories, skills etc. “From 1982 to 1993, 66 percent of patients treated at Cook County Hospital in Chicago for gunshot wounds to the head survived.” But you can view the post for yourself here.


After a while a research I found the best area. Which is the hand or the foot. There are many bones in each, and they will shatter. However, the bullet will likely go through and the bone fragments won’t likely go to your heart. Thus, not killing you. Though it is a very painful place, it is the safest. Now I know and you do too! I’ve been tased before but never shot. Imagine I won’t ever get shot, it probably hurts. But now if I ever get that choice on a mandatory shooting, I know the right answer!


I’ve crossed over 1,000 words, I should really stop. My watch is yelling at me for sitting for too long anyway, so it’s time for some cardio. I’ll check in with you guys next time!