Public JournalTravel Stories

Chicago Shenanigans

October 26th, 2016 – Day 1


I’m not usually one to make definite plans, but when I do, it’s something important. My friend is in a musical, Thoroughly Modern Millie, tomorrow in Chicago; so I figured I would drive over and check it out! We decided to meet for coffee today as we haven’t seen each other in a few years. Finally found time to catch up, or so I assumed to be. Last night with about 20 hours’ notice, she cancelled on me. But I already booked my “Hotel” so I’m here today for a show that doesn’t happen until tomorrow at 7pm. But that leaves me plenty of time to go meet some people, catch up on some reading, write more, or spend hours listening to TED Talks. I really use way too much of my time on those things…
Age is a problem when you’re travelling, but not one that forces you to stay at home. Most hotels require you to be 21 to stay, except for the occasional Marriot. But there is no way I am paying for a Marriot in Chicago, that’s a bit much! I looked into Airbnb as I’ve read great reviews of this site! Sure enough, I found a place for only $13 a night, and it’s only 13 minutes away from the school where the musical is showing! Since coffee was out, I got to sleep in a bit this morning, clear until 7:30am! Not much sleeping was done…


I donated plasma at my usual BioLife center, but it was very different in the morning. It’s hardly busy, only 3 sections were open and I didn’t know very many of the people there. Overall, it was worth it, I really do Love going there. After I finished packing and eating, I headed out on the road. It’s 11:46am and my navigator says I’ll make it there at 5:19pm, which is great because we discussed the check in to be at 5:30.


Chaos struck. My navigator died, there was a crash on the road, my exit was closed, my phone couldn’t find my location, I nearly ran out of gas, and then I hit stop traffic. You know, the usual drive. I didn’t make it on time, but thankfully Rebecca (My Airbnb host) left a door unlocked for me. She had to go to work, but trusted me to let myself in. I’m actually here now and she’s not due back for another hour. But I have her dog on my lap, so all is good. I must say it was a little odd walking into a flat that I’ve never been to before, owned by a girl I’ve never met. Though Judging by her 7 DVD seasons of Doctor Who, I think we’ll get along quite nicely. I made myself at home, which is not too hard when all I need is the internet and a plug. The chair and dog were a nice bonus, though. I’ll be meeting her tonight and get back to you guys.


It’s 9:30 and she came home! The dog got all excited and ran towards the door, which rather hinted at the fact that she was home. We spoke for a brief moment, and then she took the dog on a walk. Not too sure what the dogs’ name is, but they are all gone now.


Best moment ever! Some girl Just walked in and screamed, clearly she didn’t know I was going to be here. Apparently, she is a co-worker of Becca, but it was hilarious watching her freak out. Pardon me for scaring you if you’re reading this. I also find it kind of funny that they are Just going about their normal lives as I sit in the same room typing away about who knows what to them. I feel kind of like a covert spy.


So far this trip is very different than I was expecting, but not in a bad way. It’s honestly quite entertaining. Life is a show! I thought I was coming to Chicago to see a musical, but that’s not until tomorrow and I’m already getting a show. If only they would burst into song, because that would be awesome! If only… Apparently, they are both techies for shows. Both working on Billy Elliot, The Musical? Maybe they were going to see it? I kind of missed the details of that bit. Regardless. I’ve never heard of it, but apparently, it’s a big thing.


SIDENOTE: The dogs’ name is Mila and the co-worker’s name is Mikala (Quite likely butchering the spelling)

SIDE-SIDENOTE: It’s spelled Mikayla, I later found out.



October 27th, 2016 – Day 2


I woke up at around 10am, and the house is quiet. I have a vague memory of them downstairs and the dog sniffing my face, but when I actually work up, everyone was gone. I headed upstairs to shower, but it’s right beside her room, which is an odd place for a bathroom that gets shared with the guests staying. But, I need to shower.


I would like to tell you I spent the day working, organising, designing and e-mailing. But if I told you that, I would be lying. I open up YouTube and… Well, Mikayla came back a few hours later. I got lost in the internet again…


I am now throwing the dog’s bear back and forth with Mikayla and I believe this is more entertaining for the humans than the dog… Turns out Mikayla is pretty cool. We chatted for hours and she’s actually quite entertaining.


Becca came home later and Mikayla made us all Mac&Cheese. Which was nice because I packed bread with Peanut Butter and Jelly, but then forgot the Jelly which Just makes a boring piece of bread. I had that earlier, but it wasn’t very satisfying. Thankfully Mikayla made some real food that I got to enJoy. Thank you for that.


Oh, and the musical I was supposed to go to tonight, I can’t. Tonight is the “benefit” night, which means if you’re not on the special list, you don’t make it in. Which really messing with my schedule as I’m due to check out tomorrow. I could hang out in a coffee shop all day, then go to the show at night. But then I would have to drive until 4am to get home, assuming I drove straight from the musical right as it ended. Not sure about what to do yet. The lead in which I was coming to see isn’t responding to me, so I’m not sure if it’s worth coming to the show anymore anyway.


Mila (The Dog) stinks, quite horribly, I may add. So they decided she needed a bath. But apparently, Mikayla needed to take a shower too, so she Just took the dog with her. She was talking to her the whole time and we can hear it all! Becca kept yelling at her to sing a song, and I wish she had. Though if she had I would have had to get video evidence! Though she was in the shower, that wouldn’t have ended all too well. Regardless, I would have had to do something! In the end, she never did sing to the dog, but the night is still young! Let the musical of life commence!


They are planning on watching Maleficent soon and invited me to Join them. I can’t recall if I’ve seen it or not, but I’m curious, so I may go watch it. The way the flat is set up there is an upstairs, but the bedroom has an open wall so you can look, and hear down below. They are cueing the movie, and apparently, there are a lot of boobs on screen. Becca wonders how they can show so much on Netflix, but welcome to 2016! Or 2k16 as the locals call it. I refuse, but apparently, that’s also a thing.


Becca’s drink was made by the house bartender, Mikayla, but she filled it too high. Becca had to come down to sip it, but instead of a normal, sane person; she climbs from the other side of the counter and sips it like a dog. Entertaining, but not very efficient! Then again, she has the dog sit on her shoulders instead of carrying her, which his highly efficient, thus balancing out.


We did watch Maleficent… and The Great Mouse Detective… and a Doctor Who film… and Skin Wars… We should probably get to that who sleeping thing… I mean, think that’s what sane people do, but who I am to know? Anyway, Mila has this odd attachment to me. No matter where she was placed on the bed, she would always crawl back over to lay on me. Which is nice, but the logic is a little off. I’m around in the daytime when everyone is gone, yet when they are here you come to me? Odd one, she is. An Odd one indeed.


Becca started to get tired and rolled over. But Mikayla and I were still wide awake and would randomly burst out laughing. You know when you’re really tired and suddenly everything becomes funny? — Exactly! You know what I’m talking about! Eventually, Becca rolls back over and howls “Geesh, I can’t ever leave you two alone together!” (Which is kind of an oxymoron, but that’s a different talk) Mikayla and I in response Just burst out laughing again. It was great!


Since I didn’t get to see the musical, I was Just going to skip it. But after I explained the situation, they offered for me to stay an extra night so I could see it tomorrow. Thank you for that! Normally I would Just give in and head home. Not to say I’m a quitter, but to know that there is another adventure that I am missing by staying in one place too long. But I don’t want to leave, this place is far too entertaining!



October 28th, 2016 – Day 3


I got to sleep around 2:30am and arose at around 7:30am. Not a whole lot of sleep, but people were waking up, and I can always nap later. — Okay, fine. So, I won’t nap later, but can you Just… Okay? — Becca left first, as I was waking up, and then Mikayla rose and we had tea. I miss having my daily tea, but it’s so hard to fit in when you’re on the road. I shall do better in this.


“I want my life to be something more than long” – Pippin

Pardon, but Corner Of The Sky came on my Pandora Just now and I really Love that line. It’s clever, meaningful, and most people don’t achieve it.


Everyone is at work now, which gives me a chance to catch up on some writing, but I decided to ‘adult’ first. I showered, shaved, and put on actual pants! I am getting some serious adulting points today! I don’t grow facial hair all too quickly, but it has been pushing 3 days and any facial hair bothers me. I should make food, and make food I shall.


I lied, I took the dog for a leisure Jog… I’ll eat later.


Mikayla came home and bought me a doughnut, isn’t that nice? I then proceeded to follow her like a stray dog to work. She taught Soccer to small humans. 3 to 5-year-olds specifically. I helped put away the mats, but aside from that, I sat with all the mums. Which was odd, so I moved my ring to my left hand to insinuate that I was married and one of the kids were mine. This worked perfectly until all the kids came back to their parents for a water break… No kid came to me… Though that’s probably a good thing. After class, I met one of the supervisors and she asked if I wanted a Job. Though it did look like fun work, the fact of me living over 1,000 miles away leaves for a long trek in the morning!

SIDENOTE: The speed limit for the parking lot was 14 miles an hour… Seriously, though, why not 15, or 10? 14?! Are you trying to trip up every OCD persons’ day?


I FINALLY ATTENDED THE MUSICAL! It was not as I expected. It wasn’t bad, and my friend did a very good Job at playing her role. But something about the play was different than the others. I didn’t personally connect with the story. I hardly even knew what was going on until near the end. I’m glad I went, though it was far from expectation.


I arrived back ‘home’ about 2 minutes before Mikayla, and it’s a good thing she wasn’t here when I came in. I was in the singing mood and had my Pandora playing. I would have made a complete fool of myself, but luckily I only had Mila as my audience. After Mikayla did come in we started conversing as per usual, but it ended up turning into more of a heart to heart. As so I won’t discuss all of our conversation, but it was nice to really connect with someone again.


Rebecca came home around 3:30am (Wow, this late already?) quite drunk. She informed us she had a guy coming over, so Mikayla rushed around packing things and getting out of there. We also packed up Mila to come with us. She doesn’t need to be around for this either! We’ll leave the details out. We ended up sitting in Mikayla’s car and continued our conversation for about an hour and this guy walked outside. Took off his socks and shoes, then walked to his car. Neither of us wanted to head back in yet as we didn’t know what to expect. But eventually, we did and so forth our conversing until a little past 7am. Headed to sleep and both woke up about 2 hours later. It’s hard not getting your sleep, but I don’t regret it. Those rare 1 in a billion heart to heart conversations take over everything. I can honestly say it changed my life, and I have a lot clearly outlook now. Clap and a half to Mikayla for that, but honestly, thank you.



October 29th, 2016 – Day 4


^^^ There was no decent place to put that, so today is going to start now!


It’s noon now and everything but my laptop (duh) are packed away in my car. It’s finally time for me to bid ado to this adventure in hopes to find the next. But man, it won’t be easy to top this. If you learn anything from me ranting to you guys, know this; EnJoy the little moments, because, in the end, that’s what really matters. Let’s recap and see what I mean.



Go to coffee with the lead of the musical

Go see the musical on the 28th

Blog about the musical and drive home singing Broadway songs at the top of my lungs



Coffee gets cancelled

Not allowed to attend the play on the 28th

Meet some truly amazing people

Have a conversation lasting hours that changed my life

A near stranger buys me a doughnut

Freedom to relax and Just take life in

Sleep on a floor because the carpet is so comfortable

Blog about my new friends and my spontaneous adventures


Now you decide. Which one sounds better? It’s the little things that really make it all. Slow down and live life, don’t Just exist.


Even after all of this my plans are still ever changing. I went to visit my friend Ethan at Starbucks and then my car broke down in the parking lot! I got it fixed up in about 20 minutes and was going to head out, but by this point, I was already so close to the show that Mikayla was doing lights for that I figured I would Just go see it. Or at least go part of it. I was already there either today when they were setting up, but I figured I would be out of town before the show. But I’m not, so I Just as well go! It’s called the Rocky Horror Picture Show and if you’ve seen it, you already know what I’m talking about. It was a very interactive play which was really cool! Like every time someone on stage says “Brad” you’re supposed to yell “Asshole” and when “Janet” is called you scream “Slut”. There was a dance bit in which the girls beside me and I went into the aisle to Join in. Granted I didn’t sleep the prior night and I’m sure it was horrible dancing. I swear, I’m a good dancer, but I didn’t know that dance and I was VERY tired. I did end up talking to these girls during intermission. Britney and Hope as they were titled, Lovely girls. Apparently, I was supposed to go visit Mikayla up in the sound booth during intermission and had I known how to get up there, I totally would have! I use to run sound and lights, and it’s been a while since I’ve been up in a tech booth. She also had my phone so I couldn’t ask how to get up there. She was charging it for me. She’s so nice, she actually got me a free ticket since she was working the show! We met up for a moment after the show and soon after I headed off. After writing a letter of course. I later heard that the fog machine set off the smoke detectors in the second show and they had to evacuate the audience! Man, I wish I was there for that one! My 6-hour drive begins, and it’s Just shy of midnight.



October 30th, 2016 – Day 5


It’s been a very long night and not too safe of one either. If you haven’t slept, don’t drive. Don’t be stupid, okay? I pulled off a few times and took mini power naps and didn’t time them very well. I meeting friends at a church out of town today and now I don’t have time to drive home to actually get ready. Guess I’m going in the same suit I wore to the first musical and I’m getting ready at a rest stop. I’m actually at the church now, typing away in my car. I need to air out a little bit as I basically spilled my cologne and now it smells like I don’t know what I’m doing. I swear I do, but I’ve been up for nearly 51 hours and I didn’t even get to shower, calm yourself! I guess I haven’t technically been up that long with my power naps, but my point still stands. Very tired, very hungry and in need of libation, erm, wrong word. I need water. I need a liquid of sorts to quench my thirst. A drink, a beverage? Maybe I’ll Just say I’m parched… I’m too tired to be clever right now.


I played 9 square, went on a hayrack ride (Wow, this really is Iowa.), spoke with some mates. One of which found out that I was in the stage of tired where everything is funny… I swear he had at least 30 one-liners! Hindsight probably wasn’t very funny, but I Just lost it! I could hardly breathe! I got an ab workout I was laughing so hard. Props to Jacob for doing so, now I don’t have to go to the gym today! I eventually arrived home, but I didn’t want to sleep until night time so I could stay on a basic schedule. I ended up finally going to sleep after being awake (including short power naps) for Just over 65 hours. I slept for Just over 12 and now here we are! Alive, alert, awake, enthusiastic!


Overall I am truly glad I went on this trip! Even though literally everything I had planned on doing, failed. Except for staying at the place, I was intending on and that placed not only changed my trip, but it changed my life. I didn’t get to hang out with the host, Becca, a whole lot, but I would definitely go and stay with her again. I did, however, hang out with Mikayla for several hours and she is one of those rare finds. She has changed my life forever and only in a matter of a few days. I have never cried tears of Joy before, but she brought them out. Very powerful, very inspiring, very amazing. I could go on writing about how great she is, but I don’t need to boost her ego too much! But honestly, she’s great and I am so proud to call her my friend. Thank you for making this trip one of the best I’ve ever been on.


Fuel – $41

Food – $32.80

Total: $73.80

Experience… PRICELE$$