Public JournalTravel Stories

MAX 84

Ever have spur-of-the-moment road trips? Well, I do… Kind of a lot! Today I had about 20 minutes warning, which is more than usual. My sister’s car broke down near Cedar Rapids, IA, about 2 hours away give or take. I was up until about 4 am working last night, so I hadn’t gotten a whole lot of sleep. But shortly after waking up I get news from my mother alerting me of my sister’s situation. So, I headed out. I did squeeze in a quick shower, though. I really hate travelling dirty as you never know who you’re going to meet!


I’ve been told all my life that travelling doesn’t matter so you can wear whatever. I’ve travelled with a lot of people and they wear T-shirts, sweats, tennis shoes, and hair ties for a loose pony tail. That is not my style at all! Partly because I don’t have long enough hair for a ponytail… But that’s a whole other story, long hair doesn’t suit me. When I travel I dress up for the occasion. I mean full suits, tuxes or any other fancy clothing I can put together.


“Why dress up if you’re not going to see anyone you know?” BECAUSE I’M NOT GOING TO SEE ANYONE I KNOW! That’s exactly why I dress up in formalwear. You see, you never know who you’re going to come across when you’re travelling, but they could make a huge alteration on your life! Do you really want your first impression to be in trashy sweats? I sure don’t! When I’m on long road trips I usually a formal button-up shirt and black slacks. Sometimes with a tie, sometimes not. But when I’m flying is when I get really fancy. Tux with tails, suits with cuff links, bow ties, long ties, even been known to wear a cummerbund now and then. When you’re driving, you have to have breathable clothing and most of your interactions will be through a window, thus below the waist is not as important at your torso.


For this particular trip, I didn’t have much time to prepare so I wore a formal-casual button down shirt with a fancy coat and my signature shades. Paired with dark wash denim and loafers. As I said, the pants are not as important. I quickly threw some frozen burritos in the microwave and headed off! Singing along to my Hamilton and various other Broadway tracks I am completely divided from how much time is going past. Until a girl drove up next to me… “Really J, a girl on the road? Again?” – Shut up, this is my story, Just let me tell it. She gives me a half smile as she comes up near me. Nearly missing the interaction I quickly snap back into reality Just in time for her to look away. She passes my car and we continue down the same path.


About 15 miles into it I realise we’re going to be sharing this road for a while. Several cars come and go, but we continue on. I pull up next to her, send her a smile and pass by. The games begin! For the next 30 miles or so we play the wave game. She comes up on my left, smiles and waves, then gets in front of me. Which is my cue to get over beside her and do the same. Miles go back as we play this little game and I realise my exit is coming up. Sad to bid farewell I was trying to arrive close to say goodbye. She has Illinois plates, so she’s likely going much farther East. Until I see her blinker flick on… Exit 246, which happens to be right where I’m going! I exit right behind her and we both head up and take the same right. After a while, I see my sister’s car and I couldn’t stop in time, so I slowed down, pull a U-Turn and headed to her car. I watch as her very distinct heart shaped bumper sticker fades into the distance. Losing my stranger forever… Or so one might think.


I arrive next to Jessica’s car and see her with our cousin’s baby Xander, or Tiny Human X as I call him. We move her cars contents to mine and head out to find a gas station. Both of us needed to use the loo, but the only station in sight had locked bathrooms. Have to buy something to get the key, and I didn’t need any gas. So, we headed out back on the road to Ames. Looking for stations along the way we see one coming up in a few miles. Then my sister comments on a car gaining rather quickly. Tells me two girls were looking and laughing. But I she didn’t know the story yet. I glance over and then pull an instant double take. It’s her! She must have picked up the other girl in Cedar Rapids and is taking her back. We continue circling each other laughing each time we pass. Which leads me to do what I wish I could have the last time we were playing this game.


Time to send a phone number. I didn’t have any paper on the way there, nor would have I been able to write well whilst driving. But now I had my sister in the car to do that for me. She found an envelope in the glove box and a mediocre pen in the center. She wrote out my number as best she could, though given the supplies and in a moving car did not turn out too great. I would post a photo, but I really don’t care for my number to be broadcasted to the world today. She gets over to my left and I slow down a bit. Hold up my envelope and exchange quick glances. Her friend took a photo of me with the sign and they both burst out laughing! Not too common that this opportunity presents itself, but I had to take the chance when I could!


Just in time too as my exit was coming up. Not wanted to lose her once more without saying goodbye I sped up to wave one last time. But a car cut me off and I couldn’t reach next to her. I ended up skipping my exit… and the next one. There are three exits that go into town, so I had to hit the third one, but I was still blocked. Refusing to lose, I sped up and cut off the guy who cut me off earlier. Waved and pull off all in one motion. They both waved and laughed and I headed back home. My sister looks over and comments “Do you think they’ll text you?” Honestly, it doesn’t matter. The fact of the perfect timing to go there and back at the same time is enough of a story for me! Then again, she was cute, so I wouldn’t mind if she did.


Which is when my back seat starts crying. In a moment of confusion, I look back to see little baby Xander in his car seat. Well, this looks like a bad scene to them! I Just drove 2 hours to pick up some girl and a baby. Last time I checked that doesn’t make a guy look single… Tiny Human X may have Just cost me a phone number. Not only that, but I then realise my choice in vehicle… a ’98 rust bucket where the driver’s door doesn’t even fully close…  I normally try a fairly good car, an Eclipse Spyder to be more specific. However, that car is in Florida, so I bought this lunk of moving metal for $900 in the meantime. But I guess we’ll see if anything comes of any of this! All in all, that made the whole trip worth it. I got a story, I gave her one and I had fun once again. Word of advice: Stop worrying what people think about you and live life. Freedom is a possession most of us never get. It’s a lot of work and it’s scary. But I guarantee you this… It’s worth it.