Public JournalTravel Stories

Camp Kulaqua 2016

September 2nd, 2016


Yesterday was like any other day, except every aspect of everything. I was driving back down to Florida and got home at 12:14am. Lived off snacks for the coming day as I didn’t want to visit the store yet. Everyone at the grocery store knows me! One knows me by name, and the rest know me as “GQ” – in reference to the men’s style blog site, The best part is I didn’t even pick the name. I am simply always dressed up, so they titled me GQ, and they yell it every time I walk into the store! I haven’t been in Florida for nearly 2 months now, so when I go back in to get groceries, I want it to be a scene!


The evening was the real different part. There was a hurricane, one large enough that it actually made national news, and it was headed right for me. Houses were destroyed, trees had fallen, and the power went out all around! But for me? Nothing. Don’t get me wrong, it was some heavy rain and high wind, but nothing of mine got damaged. I simply wrote out two “If I die tonight” messages, turned on a fan to void the noise, and went to sleep. I woke up and things outside were trashed, but I woke up alive! Hurricane Hermine for some reason decided to not touch my house. I have the Lord to thank for that one.


Today is also a weird day, but not for the same reason. My mother and Nana came into town and we all went to a camp down South. It is indeed a religious camp, but one that is not of my religion. It is a Seventh-Day Adventist camp called Camp Kulaqua! They don’t eat meat, the church service is on Saturday, and it all seems a little odd. They do preach from the Bible, however, so they are getting the message across. It’s not that the no-meat thing bothers me, but I really do like my meat. For dinner we had tacos… which didn’t really make sense. It was all the ingredients except meat, so I loaded corn chips and rice with some sour cream and sat down. Then I went back and got a large plate again, and then I had an apple. I was quite hungry, but if you’ve ever met me, you would know that is totally normal for me! I wouldn’t call it a taco, but I would call it good cooking! They also had these odd, slimy looking things at the end. Out of curiosity, I took one. I asked a few what it was and most didn’t even know. Eventually, I was warned it was a Plantine? I had to Google that one! It’s a plant related to the banana family. It was an interesting taste… one the agreed with my standard quote “I don’t regret it, but I don’t want to try it again”.


After dinner, we all head back to the cabin to find a very large cockroach. Nasty! I never did explain my trip to Africa as the post would be a mile long, but it was the size of the cockroaches over there. About 4”-6”. Those little buggers are fast too! I sprayed him and tried to kick him like the ninJa I am, but he got away. Another day Mr. Roach, another day.



September 3rd, 2016


Sausage? I thought they don’t eat meat? Second thought, probably not sausage… I’ll stick with my grits and biscuits. Apparently, they avoid sugar too, but it isn’t a strict thing? For dinner they had brownies and I’m pretty sure it had a LOT of sugar in it! Yet, they don’t use eggs… The meals here confuse me with all their limitations.


Today was the “Sabbath” so most things were closed. They did open up the zoo for a while, and it was much large than I was expecting! I took 60+ photos, but I’ll shorten them down for you. Lions, tigers, and bears! Oh, my! For real, though, they actually had all three of them! However, they keep them in cages behind two fences, so the photos didn’t come out all too well. Maybe it’s Just the inner photographer in me, but so far I haven’t liked a single photo I’ve taken! All the lighting was off, and they all came out a little blurry. I have expensive equipment, but it’s all worth nothing if things don’t line up right. Today was not the day for it. However, I did find a cabin that got destroyed by a tree, and got some cool photos of that!


Recently, I’ve started reading 21: Bringing Down The House and it is fabulous! It’s a story of MIT students who count cards and win big in Vegas. Something I happen to be very good at doing. I picked up this book for only $0.79 about 3 years ago, but never read it. I went to look up how much it normally was, and found a movie version. I’ve seen it three times, but never got around to the book until now. I’m normally not of those book snobs that always sides with paper, but come on! The book is so much better than the movie! The movie is good on its own, but if it would have followed the book more accurately, it would have been so much better! Also, did I mention it’s a true story? Pretty cool, eh? 15 J-Points to anyone who has read the book! 10 J-Points to anyone who reads it after finishing this blog post! I highly recommend!


We had a few hours to spare in the afternoon, odd term “Afternoon”… I’ll do a rant about that later. I have the movie 21: Bringing Down The House along, so we all crowded around my laptop and watched it. Then I taught basic strategy and how to count cards more accurately, and we all played BlackJack for a while. It wasn’t much for camping, but it was a good time. Turns out, my Nana is pretty good at cards, who knew?


The day ends here as I write it out. My family is at the pool, which is really not my thing, so I figured I would take this time to write to all of you! I know this wasn’t a very exciting day to read about, but I committed to writing every day this camp, and do so I shall!



September 4th, 2016


I’m normally awake before my alarm when I am away from my house, but today was for a totally different reason. Have you ever been woken up by a fire alarm? It’s kind of terrifying, yet this Just

happened at a different camp I was at and my reaction was as follows.

  1. Wake up
  2. Breath hard
  3. Realize what’s going on
  4. Smell smoke
  5. Alarm ends
  6. I go back to sleep

Since the alarm quit, I assumed everything was okay, so I went back to sleep. No need to wake up any earlier than I have to. Never did figure out what caused it, but again, I’m alive so I don’t feel the need to question it.


After breakfast, we all went tubing down the Ichetucknee Springs. Try saying that 10 times fast! We floated down the spring for nearly two hours before reaching the end! It gives a whole new meaning to “Lazy River.” Sometimes I would float faster and talk to people in the lead. Sometimes I would slow down and meet the people behind me. I talked to a few people, but it got me thinking. I haven’t met anyone yet this trip! Sure, I’ve spoken to a dozen or so, but I don’t know a single persons’ name. Not where anyone is from or what they do, what they have a passion for? Nothing. All the conversations were “Hey, if there isn’t any meat here, what is that?” “Some kind of imitation scallop, I wouldn’t try it…” or “Hey, how many years have you been here?” “This would be my first.” “Oh, well have fun.” No real conversations, Just subtle remarks, basic questions (mostly about the food) and waving. I’ve been here for three days! I should have a dozen new friends, a wife, and some seriously hilarious memories… But I don’t. I guess the Social Alpha has a weekend off, but it doesn’t make all too great for a story.


I would work on that, but hardly anyone here is my age. There are 12-year-olds and below, then married people. So, I guess I’m the odd one out. Anyway, new topic!


I went to read and took an hour long nap, and it was pleasant. Feeling a little dozy now… I think I may Just call it a night. It’s only 7:30pm, but I’m tired! Floating in water for 2 hours is a lot of work! Goodnight everyone. I leave tomorrow and return to normal life. — Honestly, couldn’t even type that with a straight face, my life is nowhere near normal! That’s the reason I started this, to begin with. I may have a large trip coming up, so I’ll keep you posted.



September 5th, 2016


GOOD MORNING! I kid you not, the bacon looks like a dog treat! But people eat it up! I saw a lady take 8 strips! They also had imitation eggs. I have no words for that…


On to the better portion of the day, I went zip-lining! Twice! Even after you get to the end of the line, you aren’t on the ground, Just a smaller building. They had some trouble catching me, though, I nearly fell back off the side, but if I had I probably would have caught a rope or something. It’s like I was going to fall to my doom or anything. After I was caught, the guy looks at me and asks an odd question “Hey man, do you play Black Ops?” — “I have before, but not often…?” — “Good enough, this is a repelling wall like in the game. You’re strapped, so get onto the ground.” It was an odd way to explain it, but I understood and repelled down. He explains it the same way to my sister, but then when my Nana was instructed, it was a little different. “You know how in the police academy, or the navy they have to kick off the walls and lower themselves down? You’ve probably seen it in a movie. Anyway, it’s like that. Good luck” I was standing below laughing so hard I nearly fell over. That’s one of those things you have to be there for, but it was really funny.


I also went horseback riding, which I haven’t done in a little over a decade. Even back then I was never by myself, they always led my horse to do what it was supposed to do. But I didn’t want to sound stupid so when they asked if I’d ridden before, I said yes. Which technically isn’t a lie. I’ve sat on top of a few before! Just never had the control. They gave me a horse called Diamond, and apparently, I’m good with horses! That’s something was unaware of! We rode a trail, and I made small talk with the cute girl ahead of me. I didn’t get her name until after we were done, we Just referred to each other as the name of our horse. But I later found out her name was Brittney or Britney. Not sure how to spell that. I was originally thinking I wish I had met her earlier so we could get to know each other. But after we dismounted, she didn’t seem to talk much and quite frankly was a little rude. Oh well.

Side Note: There was a lazy cat at the stables. Seems like an odd place for a cat, but nobody seemed to question it.


I’ve returned home now, and I didn’t meet a single person worth acquiring a phone number from. So, if I do happen to go back next year, I won’t know anyone. But I’m not so sure it was worth the money for me. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great camp. Plenty to do, and plenty to see. But it Just wasn’t really my thing. I spent most of my time reading and writing. I got a LOT of writing done. Which I Love to do, but I can do that for free at home, so why would I pay hundreds to do it somewhere else? All in a personal opinion. That is mine.


Overall, I’m glad I went, but won’t likely go again. But I did get a lot accomplished, so it was worth it. I don’t have many regrets, life is too short for those. I’m going to go eat some meat now… Have a Lovely day!


Your Past Self,



I have no idea how to order all of these photos… So, he is a slideshow of everything! (51 photos)