Public JournalTravel Stories

Back In Rochester

Dear Future Self,


Should I start addressing these posts like that? I mean, that’s why all this started, but now I have a few readers, which is really nice! Keeps me incentivized to keep writing! I used to run a Journal, but it was only on my computer. I never shared it. I looked through it to see if I wanted to show you guys… But I don’t. That wasn’t written for the public. Even though these are my personal thoughts, it is written to allow others to see what I’m talking about, as opposed to me Just thinking and knowing what I must have meant. Anyway, thanks for tuning in!


You may have noticed that a few days ago I went to Rochester on my way home and ended up meeting a girl named Morgan. You can see that post here. Well, she wanted me to come back and visit, and since SOMEONE is too busy to hang out! (Hint: to you all who don’t know what I’m referring to, that comment is pointed at my editor and my best friend, Torri. She will be seeing this before all of you as she does my editing, Just as her title states! You should leave this part in, I will be checking. [Editor’s note: Stop with the guilt trip, I can’t help that my days are booked up months in advance, mister! Also, your grammar sucks. Oh, and hello lovely readers.]) So, I came up to Minnesota to see Morgan again instead.


Don’t you Just Love when your alarm doesn’t go off? It’s great, right?! Luckily, I had set a second alarm on my iPad. I woke up at 7:30am as it was a 2hr 35min drive up to the restaurant. We met at Perkins at 12pm and had French Toast! We had been planning to get French Toast since the 19th, you know, the day we first started talking. Anyway, took us 9 days, but we did it and it was good! Then we headed over to pick up Braden, where we messed with Snapchat filters, quoted some comedy, and watched a little YouTube. Basically, I needed my phone charged from the car ride, and so they found ways to entertain themselves. Off to Bolocity!


IMG_2872I was pronouncing it “Bowl-O-City” but apparently, it’s like “Velocity,” I was wrong. We played one game of Air Hockey, thanks to Morgan and her dollar. Then on to bowling! First shot, Strike! I won the first game by 10 points! Lost the second game TERRIBLY! (InJured my hand in the first game, had to bowl left-handed for the second). We tried to play a third, but it cut us off. We hung around for a bit, Braden took a million photos on my phone, and I tried on Morgan’s Jacket-which did not fit me at all! Worth!


We head back to Braden’s house and he goes straight to the games! I hang out upstairs for a while and eventually Joined him. Morgan was at her car feeding her pet tiny, itty-bitty bunny. Forgot to mention that little guy or girl. It’s an it. It is adorable. Braden has to leave to go to a Softball game, the final of the year, actually! Which left me and Morgan to eat dinner at his house. They had a Lovely Indian family over for dinner and I could not understand a word they said! But I played it off like I could! Morgan and I got split up at the table. Opposite ends, but I would check back to see what she was up to and I could tell she didn’t like the situation. Something about me you may not know. I have removed the “awkward” emotion out of my mind. So, I can do whatever, it doesn’t affect me anymore.


We had planned a movie date to go see Nerve at 7:15pm. Noticing it’s 6:52pm, we realize we must excuse ourselves from dinner. We’re off. The movie was great and all, fantastic, actually. But these chairs!!! They recline, they are soft leather, and they are so comfortable. I could sleep on those chairs better than I could in my own bed! Keep in mind, I sleep on an 800lb taco we call a futon. Cement is more comfortable. I highly recommend going to see Nerve, it is a REALLY good movie. I’m planning on buying it, and I never buy movies.


We go and pick up Braden at his hoIMG_1990use, and then head to Perkins. I had left my car there as I was riding with Morgan, because she knew the area better. Now, when I was driving up a few miles from the border, I hit a pigeon. I did not mean to, but I was in the fast lane and he sat under the car in front of me. Once he saw my car, he freaked out and started flying. THUD! Poor pigeon. I had Just assumed that he hit the bottom of my car and fell off, but I was wrong. Morgan pulls up next to my car, and in a calm voice says “Hey, didn’t you say you hit a pigeon on the way up?” “Yes..?” She motioned to the front of my car where I find that pigeon! Lodged in between my grill! His head is only visible if you pop the hood, his wings are sprawled out, and he is very much dead. I have no vendetta against pigeons, so I am sorry. However, it is a moment I will remember forever. “I hope you died quick, and I hope you died clean or Pigeon McBride was it slow and obscene?” – Anyone who understands that reference, 10 JPoints!


We drive over to Malachi’s house to play some videos, and I am pretty good at videos games if there is one common instance. A IMG_2954PC. But no, we played Super Smash Bros on the Wii U and I suck at it. I won one of the rounds, but that’s only because I hid out most of it! Morgan had to feed her bunny again, so I decided to go do that instead. That bunny does not what to eat! But after he/she/it was properly fed, Morgan started to fall asleep. So we Just sat there and talked for a while before heading back in. Braden and Malachi came out and open the door she was laying on, and it scared her so bad! She got out and I crawled to the back of the car and take a nap myself. Really comfortable back there! But then Braden opens the back, dropping me out a few minutes later. I was so tired that I Just started crawling on the cement, shades on, at 3:30am. Apparently, I looked very drunk. I did NOT want to drive.


Morgan forgot her purse so we went and dropped it off, and then went back to Braden’s house. The original plan was to leave shortly after the movie, but as you may have noticed, I didn’t! It was dark, I was tired, and in no condition to drive 3 hours back to Iowa. So, I ended up sleeping over at Braden’s house. It’s now morning, and I am finishing up my story. I tried writing it fresh, but I was so tired! Now all that’s left to do is eat cereal, and head home.

Worth the trip.


Your past self,




J – Morgan – Braden