Public JournalTravel Stories

Random Road Trip

Today was like any other day; complex and insane! Thirty minutes after I woke up, I was on the way to the post office to get a new passport, but smart J over here forgot his ID. Therefore, I had to make a new appointment for tomorrow morning at 9:30am. Relevant? Later.


My mother informs me that her brother, my uncle Todd, is having a small class on Microsoft Sway. I’m interested in it-so I asked if there was another seat. There was, so I went, and it was an awesome class! In two hours I learned so much! I took a lot of notes too, so now I have some studying to do. Anyway, after the class, my cousin, Lawson (Todd’s son), came in for a ride back to Minnesota. Todd, however, was very tired, so I offered to make the drive. Lawson drove up the four hours, and I was to drive back down. (Todd needed his car back in Iowa.) But it got to be fairly late. I could still make the drive, but it wouldn’t be ideal.


Now there’s this girl. Shut up, I know a lot of my stories start out like that. Deal with it. Her name is Morgan Elizabeth and she is a friend of my other cousin, Braden. I started speaking with Morgan on Tuesday, July 19th, 2016 at 2:55am on Facebook. My half birthday, in fact! It’s been nearly 3 days now and we haven’t met yet. I was planning on taking a trip to Minnesota to see her, but with this trip, I was already close. About an hour out, but easier than a 6-hour total trip. I messaged her and she was hanging out with Braden tonight anyway. So I took the detour.


I arrive at Braden’s house at 11:12pm, but he’s over at Morgan’s house playing videos games. Typical Braden. So I call him and have them both come over here. After about a half hour nap on Braden’s living room floor, I wake up. They’re here. I head downstairs as they walk in. Braden introduces us and we shake hands. A formal introduction. Normal, but as we all know, I’m not normal! I wanted my hug. We head upstairs and chat for a while. Braden tells me stories that Morgan has already told me. I sit and listen anyway, we listen to some comedians and eventually it’s nearly 2am and time for Morgan to leave.


There are a few things I pay close attention to when I meet someone. Introduction, how they react to silence and departing. Departing went exactly like I thought it would. Braden gets a hug, and I get passed. Very common for new people, but come on now, we’ve known each other for nearly three days, nearly 2 hours in person! I Just tend to hug easily. So naturally, as soon as she left, I got online to taunt her about not giving me a hug. Also, the point of this whole paragraph. I know she’s reading it, and when she does. Shame on you, you owe me a hug.


Now back to how it was a family camp. Braden is playing a game whilst I sit and write. I like writing, it allows me a sense of freedom. Plus, now I will never forget this day. Nor will anyone else that can access my story. Now it’s 2:38am and I have to leave here by 6am. Why? I told you the top paragraph was relevant! It’s a 3-hour drive and I have to be present with my license to get my new passport. This is going to be a short night.


I got almost 2 hours of sleep! Yay me! I creep around the house in total darkness as I steal a Pop Tart and head out. About 30 minutes into the trip, I see this beautiful blonde girl in a black SUV. She wore a red shirt and a black ball cap. I wave and she waves back. We do this for several miles and eventually she exits one exit before I do. She waves, and I salute as she goes off on the ramp. I needed to get gas, and it’s cheap at the next exit. I fill the tank, make a call, and Just take in the sights for a bit. This isn’t as I normally remembered it to be. They must have changed a lot since I was last here. Alas, I get back onto the road after about 20 minutes to head home.


Who is on the road as I get back on? That’s right! The blonde girl in the black SUV. We are both so astonished! We burst out laughing, accuse the other of stalking each other and laugh some more. For the next 92 miles, we pass each other, waving and laughing. It was amazing! We never spoke a word, but had full conversations with our motions. After doing this for over the next hour, my exit comes up and I wave her a sad goodbye. I exit and start to miss her until… She exits too! We were both going to Ames the whole time. Down to the end of the exit and I blinkerd left as she blinkers right. This is the final goodbye. We wave and laugh one more time as we split opposite ways down the street.


Wait! I went the wrong way! I was late to the post office to get passports so I had to go straight there instead of home. That’s why I took this exit, I was supposed to go right! I flip a quick U-turn and head back. I see her car in the distance, but don’t pursue it because hen it would seem like I was following her. I go to the post office and my family is already there. I fill out paperwork, do an oath, the works and head out. I take Jessica’s car and she takes Todd’s because I needed to go the library and she needed to go to the bank. This way we get them done faster.


Trust me, it’s relevant.

I head upstairs to find a book I was recommended. I see her. Or I think it’s her. Blonde hair, black hat, red shirt. It could be! I muster up my courage and go talk to her. Once she looked up at me, I realized it wasn’t her. She was very confused as if I’d Just performed the most complex pickup line in history. “Excuse me. We’re we Just driving in separate cars together for the past hour and some?” — “No…?” It wasn’t her face, it wasn’t her. But what if it was!? I would have asked her out on the spot! Split up near Clear Lake, same exact exit after all those miles! If she was at that library, I would have been so beyond amazed! That would have been an awesome wedding story! Fate at its finest. It was still really awesome to experience that. It made the trip all worth it, Just for that alone!