Public JournalTravel Stories

The Bourbon Room Take 2

Today I got onto a very large bus. Similar to before, but a different one indeed. For this bus did not have a bathroom, did not have any outlets and the air didn’t reach the back. Am I complaining? No. It was mostly a blur. I slept for half of the time, and the other half I spent typing up an article for the Social Alpha. Over 2,000 words so far, and I’m not actually done. My battery ended up getting too low and since there were no outlets I had to run until it’s was done. Still saved myself about 2 hours of work that I would have had to do at home otherwise.


We stopped at Chick-Fil-A, and I really had to go to the bathroom! So I hopped off, relieved myself and headed back to the bus. Everyone was off and the bus driver left it locked. I’ve never eaten at Chick-Fil-A before, but I was curious to do so. Not all too easy when you’ve forgotten your money on the locked bus… I ended up Just walking around in 31* C weather on the phone. Eventually, the break was over and the doors opened once more. I returned to my seat, sweating too hard I was curious as to if I stank. Luckily, I did not. And I had my deodorant and cologne nearby to freshen up. Another day Chick-Fil-A, another day!


IMG_1960I was assigned to be an Usher, however, I ended up doing Parking, Greeting, and Ushering! While I was in the midst of parking, a group drove in from “One Hope”. I greeted them the same as everyone else. But it was after the service got over that things changed. I’m rubbish with names, so I actually called Gabby by the name of Rachel which was a different girl in the group. Gabby was a clever one, seem to have a lot in common with her. Anyway, after we got past names a few of us started talking. We Just stood in the parking lot for about 15 minutes talking about life and who each person was. They were quite friendly, which was a nice change of pace. Moving down to Florida didn’t always accompany with the friendliest of people. But this whole trip was filled with them! I made a few new friends and had a really good time. I did do this same trip about a month ago. I wrote about there here if you’d like to check out first impressions! I enJoyed this trip a lot more, though! This time, I knew what to expect and already have met some of the people last time, so it was a lot easier to know what to do!


I ended up talking with One Hope group for so long that I lost all the other volunteers. Everyone had gone out to eat somewhere already. One Hope invited me to eaIMG_1969t with them, and hindsight I guess I maybe should have. I hadn’t realized that I had lost all the volunteers until One Hope had already gone. Eventually, I found some people that hadn’t eaten yet and we all went to get some pizza! It was a little past 9pm and I hadn’t eaten since 7am, so I was a little hungry and pizza was exactly what I needed! I was going to get a pasta, but then the waitress offered us half off all pizzas! So… We each got our own! I got the “Spicy Fancy-Word-I-Can’t-Pronounce-That-Started-With-An-‘S’”. It was really good! May have eaten half of it… Mid-meal one of Max’s (Another volunteer) friend Joined us and I ended up giving the rest of my pizza to him. I didn’t want to finish it then and I wasn’t sure it would last, but he can get a good use out of it! We all finished our food and Max, Brent, Harley, and I all walked back to the bus with 3 minutes to space. We’re so early.


IMG_1966Not sure how we got to the hotel, I think I may have passed out on the bus ride over there, but got on, blinked and got right back off. I recall it being about 25-30 away, so that was a very long blink! The room was similar to last time, a little bigger, though! Brent was my roommate and we basically crashed out right away. Well, he did. I laid in bed for about 3 hours with my eyes closed. Then I feel asleep! My mind like to think about everything and anything every time I sleep. It’s difficult in some ways, but I guess it’s my only time to reflect.


Breakfast! Oh, the coffee I needed or so dearly was delicious! For all you wondering, no it was not a liquefied donut, it’s was straight, black coffee! I like that term for fancy coffee, “it’s a liquefied donut”! Jerica quoted that today and I Love it! I have been trying to figure out a good term for a lazy excuse for a coffee. Liquefied donuts! It’s clever and I will be using that from now on! “It’s 9 o’clock on a Sater–“ wait, it’s Thursday. Dang, I wanted to break out into a song of Piano Man – Billy Joel. Maybe next time. We got on the bus and most people are fast asleep. Tiring night for sure! I would tell you the rest of the story, but it hasn’t happened yet. I’m writing to you from the bus. However, it’s not likely there is much of this story left. Wait, I missed a part! Cuban Expresso Shots! So good! Someone purchased a cup of it and we passed around little paper shot glasses and loaded up! After my two cups of coffee at breakfast, 4 expresso shots were still needed. Now I feel awesome! Anyway, in a few hours, I will get off this bus, drive home and tell you all this story. But for now, a nap.


On our way back we ended up stopping for lunch. There was about 30 of us, and we all ended up going to Chipotle. I’ve never eaten there before, but I hear it’s good. It wasn’t all too close to the bus though. Everyone from the bus in a massive group started walking through the streets. There was a 4 lane divided road with heavy traffic in our path. But that’s issue for a group of 30. We all Just started walking and the cars had to stop. If you do that being one person, then you’re often yelled. But when you have 29 others, people can’t get mad. You’re huge! We casually stalled across the road, paused at the median, ad continued to the other side. One thing I noticed was that out of the group of people I was the only one legally allowed to cross that road. It’s known as J-Walking, and it was built for me. I can do so whenever I desire and never be penalized for it. I often walk Just outside the line, knowing full well I can get away with it. Simple, first world anarchy as my cousin would call it. We reach Chipotle.


I’m not even close to hungry, I Just woke up and its al—The smell overcame me. People have 5 senses, generally one is stronger than the rest. My sense of smell is IMG_1974like a bloodhound. I can smell out what is being cooked from half a mile away. Oh it smelled so good! I got up to order and had no idea what to get, so I Just followed suit. As I went to sit down, I originally decided to sit with group of people I know. But then I got thirsty and every little moment changes things. I went to get a water cup and this blonde who looked somewhat familiar walked up behind asking for the same. We both grazed over the water spout and I decided to strike up conversation. Turns out she was also on the bus, I had Just never met her before. We chatted at the machine for a few minutes and she ended up inviting me to her table. Her name was Bianca, I like that name. I didn’t figure I would meet anyone else that day, but I met a few interesting people over there. We finished up our meals and return to the bus, taking over the entire street as usual. Magic again. I was getting onto the bus and then the bus was at the church. Another blink I guess. I put the top down of my car and flew out of there with the hot summer breeze. Life was paradise.


For the sweetest of dreams from your heart be yours.

Thank you and goodnight everyone!