Public Journal

“Make Believe” At The Theatre

IMG_2484Last Friday I attended a play by the name of Make Believe. I know one of the stars in the play, and I happen to still be in Iowa, so I figured why not? I’ve always Loved going to see plays, musicals, shows etc. But I never really got the chance. However, once you know someone who is in them, it’s a lot easier to figure out when they’re going on.


Though I truly enJoyed the play, it wasn’t the easiest day. My day was going about as most days do, busy, but fulfilling. I got my hair cut, took a shower, make some Vodka spaghetti, and watched an episode of FRIENDS. It’s a good show if you’ve never tuned in. But this story isn’t about any of that, it was about the evening.


I get into my car to find I’m actually far ahead of schedule. I arrive at the theatre a little over a half hour early. Not bad, but wasn’t exactly sure what to do. The man behind the counter told me it was $5, not a bad price at all. I ended up giving him $20 and telling him to anonymously pay for the next 3 people that came in to purchase tickets. Normally I wouldn’t tell anyone that I did this, but I don’t feel this to be a blog post that everyone will see. I write these as my personal memories… People Just seem to read it with me.


I then get directed to a small table with some snacks on it. They had a few items, but I was really only interested in the tea. If you know me at all, you know I’m a little crazy about my tea! $1 please, as I handed over a $20. I wasn’t anticipating to purchase anything but my ticket, and I didn’t have any smaller bills… Luckily they did have change. 19 $1 bills to be exact. Try keeping that wad of money sheathed on your person. I sip at my tea and it is delicious! English tea, not one I have often. Another thing you may know about me is that I tend to spill on myself a lot… Which is exactly what happened! As I look down and my soaked button-up shirt, I glance around and nobody seems to have noticed. So I simply close my suit Jacket and act as if nothing happened. But not Just before I find that I actually forgot to put my belt on before I left. Looks like I need to keep my coat closed for the night anyway!


It’s show time. The full lights go down and the stage lights come on. Music starts and I see my friend Lauren come out on stage with 3 of the other actors. Keep in mind I have no idea what this play is about, I’m really only here because of Lauren. I actually met her because she was the lead in a different play I was attending for a different friend. Funny how that all trials. The play had a passion, emotion, anger and power. But most of all… It had a Lion King mini song break reference, for which I commend the writer! They had a few good quote in there, but of course, the Disney one was my favourite. It was a small play, only 6 actors and maybe 40 people in the audience. I kind of like it that way, though, makes me feel like I’m more a part of it.


After the play, they had a meet and greet with the actors. I hope I didn’t sound all too rude, but I quickly rushed out simply saying “Great play” as I went to take a phone call. I was the first one out, but I returned to have an actual conversation with the cast after my call was over. The person I would say stuck out to me the most was Claudia. She walked right up, introduced herself by name and shook my hand. That was impressive. Not many people will actually do that. People say Cheverly is dead. Oh, I better not start on that. That’s a WHOLE different blog post. Won’t be a short one either! Anyway, she was friendly, and I liked it. Only spoke with Lauren for a moment, by the time I had reached her, she was requested in the back for dress change and such. But the play was over, and I’ll probably see her in July anyway, so it didn’t bother me. I drive back home about an hour but didn’t sleep for quite some time. Was too fascinated with the play.


Which brings us to Saturday. They have another showing today, and I went to it. This time with a belt! I really like seeing performances twice, it allows me to sit back and enJoy what’s going on instead of being so curious as to what’s going to happen next. Last time I went for Lauren, this time, I went for me. I arrived about a half hour early again and saw the play Just as before. Though this time I was silently quoting nearly the whole thing. It’s amazing what you’re mind can pick up from seeing something once. I knew every line, most word for word!


Once this show got over, I sat in my chair a little longer. Figured I’d go out after people have done their meet and greets. Just say a quick hello before I go. I waited until everyone had left the room and I walked on to the stage. Looked out at all the empty seats and got that feeling that only the stage can give. That sense of freedom. That moment where everything seems to be in line and everything is perfect. I Just stood up there and felt amazing. Eventually, I walked out to the rest of the people and got the cast to sign my booklet. I had collected some of the autographs the night before, but I was missing a few.


At this point, I felt so worn out, and my confidence dropped really low. If you know me at all you know that I am a Social Alpha! I will talk to anybody, anywhere, anytime! But something was off, still couldn’t figure it out. I decided to go talk to Claudia anyway. We chatted for a bit, and I decided to get her number. I did, but I felt so dumb doing it. I was tripping up on my words and totally made myself look like an idiot. Maybe I’m Just tired, maybe it was Just an off night, but it’s over now. I then proceeded to go speak with Lauren. Didn’t have a whole lot to say, but figured I should commend her on her performance. I stood for a bit as she was conversing with others and then I hear one of them say “You know there is a guy in a suit that is waiting to talk to you, right?” To her reply “Yes, I do.” Like hello! I can hear you! I’m not deaf! They continued on their conversation, so I Just went back into the theatre. I really do Love the stage. It changes you. Eventually, I headed out. Nodding at Lauren as I passed. Regardless, you all need to remember to always do something. I knew I would be kicking myself later if I hadn’t gone to talk to any of them, and I ended up getting a phone number out of it. Confidence will change your life. That’s why I’m always talking about it. Even when you don’t want to, it will likely be worth it to Just go and try. I never did speak with Lauren that night, or since for that matter. I have nothing against her, I simply have nothing to say. But I’ll meet up with her in July and we’ll chat again.


I go out to my car and as I’m about to get into my car, I notice something! My tire’s flat… Isn’t that a Lovely addition to my evening? I use to get upset about these things, but getting mad won’t fix it. So I Just sat back and laughed. I don’t know a lot of people in Des Moines, so I’m on my own. It had Just enough air to get me to the gas station. Easy fix, they even had a free air! Lucky day for me! But I remained happy all throughout my night no matter what happened, because getting upset doesn’t help. It will only tear you down more. Even now I’m laughing at the whole ordeal, you have to be able to laugh at yourself. It’s the easiest and most fun way to live!


There is another showing tomorrow, and I would Love to go and see it again! It was an amazing show… But I guess I know a third of the cast, so I’m a little bias. Sadly, I cannot go tomorrow. I have promised a different friend that I would go to her musical, which I don’t regret at all! I’m excited about it! I Just wish I would have gone to this play on Thursday, the first day it was put on. Then I would have seen it 3 times and made it to Kaylee’s Musical! Oh well, the past in the past and I’m working for my better future! Staying happy!


It’s nearly 2 am, and I should really sleep since I need to wake up in about 5 hours. But I’ll check back in with you here soon enough! As for the play… Standing ovation! 😀