Public JournalTravel Stories

5 Years Apart

March 21st, 2017 – Day 1


Do you ever have a friend who fades away and eventually you never speak again? I figured that what this situation was, but apparently, I was wrong. I’m referring to none other than my old friend Jenna. We met at a camp when we were both youngins! We got along quite well after camp we spoke daily, nearly all day long. Also, she always gave the best hugs. Never did figure out what was different about them, but they always fit so perfectly!


Anyway, recently I saw her post on Facebook about how overpriced milk in Hawaii. Being that I was in Hawaii a year ago, I resonated with this and decided to drop a comment. We went back and forth a bit and switched over to actually messaging. Turns out she got married and moved to Hawaii… Somehow without me hearing any word of any of it. But I guess that’s what happens when you lose touch with someone. She has returned to Wisconsin for 3 weeks to attend her cousin’s wedding and see some of her old friends. Convenient timing for us to start speaking again, eh? Naturally, I decide to take another road trip!


Keep in mind, prior to last week, we haven’t spoken in nearly half a decade. But we didn’t end on bad terms, so why not stay friends? I hop in my ’98 rustbucket and hit the trail! Leaving at 11 am sound ideal as it’s an 8-hour drive… Or so I thought. As I got on the road, I checked the navigation and apparently, it’s only a 6-hour drive. I’m staying with Nancy again (Thanks, Nancy!) and had I not stopped at a rest stop to burn time, I would have arrived at her home before she got back from work! Decided it best to Just take the trip a little slower.


There was this guy on the road who was driving like an idiot. There are a few of us in the fast lane going about 80mph unless you’re a cop, then I was going 65mph Just like I’m supposed too! This guy comes flying up next to me then cuts me off. Okay, that’s annoying on its own. But then he proceeds to slow down! I get into the slow lane and go around him. Causing him to get mad. He flies up beside me again, cuts me off and slows down… Okay, what’s this guys problem? I can play this game too! I go around him in the slow lane, then get in front of him. He honks, speeds next to me and as he was about to cut me off, I floor the gas and block him. His face was priceless! Then he flipped me off. Eventually, I got sick of sharing a road with this guy, so I pull off at a rest area and waited around a while. I had time to burn anyway. But when I get back on the road is when it’s fun. A few miles up I see this man again. But now it’s a little different. He got pulled over by 2 SUV cops. Not only pull over, but he got arrested. Traffic was slow around the site, so I watched him get cuffed and walked to the cop SUV. I lost it! I burst out laughing so hard I could hardly see. There are a lot of annoying drivers out there, but this was being stupid! Going that fast and Jerking that soon could have easily caused a wreck. But I guess it won’t happen today! Serves you right, mate. Don’t cut me off next time!


I arrive at Nancy’s place and head in! She has two large dogs, which I knew, but I forgot both their names… Thankfully, she called them over, so I learned pretty quick. I thought I was going to have to visit my other blog post I did from here. I assume I put their names in there. You can check if I did HERE. Shameless plug!


After a while, I realised that Jenna and I never made a plan, Just a date of when. I messaged her and she had no clue, but she knows the area as she grew up here, so that’s on her! Due to her husband’s orders, she must have another girl present if she is to meet any guy so she also has to bring some girl along. Thus having to find a place and a person! I Just get to sit back and wait for a plan to come in. Figuring she’ll pick a place near her house I decided to navigate there to see how far away I was. I’ve never been to her house, but we use to write letters back and forth, so I did have her address. Funny story, her and Nancy’s house numbers are the exact same. Crazy story, she lives 2 blocks away… Exactly 2 blocks away. I’m staying at 1006 Street Name, Town. She’s staying at 1006 Other Street Name, Same Town. Which causes her to be exactly 2 blocks away! Exactly! WHAT!?!? I could not have planned that if I tried! I thought my navigator was broken because it said I was .2 miles away. But then I saw the 1006 and assumed it was navigating to the house I was already in… NOPE! Just that close! I’m still tripping over it.


March 22, 2017 – Day 2


I got nearly 8 hours of sleep last night! That’s a record for the past few months! Granted I usually sleep on a folded futon, so that’s probably why I have terrible sleep. But you know what’s no terrible? The shower here! It’s tall, great water pressure and hot! I believe I also mentioned this last time I stayed here, but it’s worth mentioning twice. Mornings are fun when you have a shower like that! I stayed in there so long I got pruned… WORTH IT!


I spend most of the day being lazy. I read a chapter, watched 5 episodes of Gilmore Girls, ate some rice and surprised an unsuspecting friend. One of my friends asked me I was free anytime soon and if I could come to Wisconsin. Little did he know, I was already here… and staying at his Aunt’s house. The day goes by and my host has to pick him up from school and bring him back to her place. Where, conveniently, I would still be. Keep in mind he Just asked this morning, and when he gets off school, I’m there. *Boom* for timing! The look of sheer stunness, stundness, stunus? He was stunned, and it was hilarious. I’m always around someone, but you’ll never know when I’m around you. So, ask if you want to hang out, I may be around. Potentially as close as literally exactly 2 blocks.


We all order Dominoes and sat at the table that hasn’t been used for about… ever? Nowadays the modern dining room table is not used as much as it used to be. Hardly at all in most households. Got a large sausage and pepperoni pizza with breadsticks. If you know me at all, you know I’m slightly (Editor’s Note: He’s majorly obsessed with carbs) please with carbs. So, I had a heydey with that one. Heydey? Really J? You know what forgot we weren’t in the ‘90s anymore. You can Just ignore that line. It was a good meal. An I’m-Going-To-Cheat-And-Nobody-Is-Going-To-Say-Anything-About-It-Or-I-Will-Personally-Smack-Them-In-The-Face kind of meal.


Then I got the messaged I’d been waiting for. The time and place I was meeting Jenna. We shuffled through a few options and eventually came to find that most coffee shops have closed. But Starbucks was still open, so we went there. I showed up and couldn’t find her straight away, so I went ahead to order. I then hear from behind “Hey, stranger.” Another 20 years could have gone by, but in a heartbeat, I knew who that voice belongs too, always will. I turn around to see Jenna and her friend who I later found out to be called Missy. Cool name, I like that!


The second remark out of Jenna’s mouth is “You’re a lot taller than I remember” Which was partly because I was wearing my favourite boots, which have a heel. Partly because we haven’t seen or spoken for half a decade. I did grow a little! She’s still little thought, which since she’s reading this allow me to make myself clear. Me calling you little or short is not out of disrespect of taunting you. In fact, it’s the opposite. Shorts people give better hugs, everybody knows that. It’s a good thing, yet most short people take offence to that. Guess what, you called me tall. I’m so offended. Or I would be if I took offence to anything. Which I really don’t.


We head over to sit down and I get stuck with the rubbish wooden chair. But to be fair, there were only 2 cushy chairs, and I’m not going to have either of the girls take the uncomfortable one, that would Just be rude. We chat for about 3 hours about lots of stuff that I shan’t share with you. I knew we hadn’t spoken in a while, but wow, she didn’t know anything about me. In vice-versa as well. So, not only did I catch up with an old friend, but I learned a fair amount about this new girl Missy. She seems quite interesting, I believe I will pursue speaking with her again sometime.


The one bothersome thing about the evening, void of the chair, was my coffee. I got a black coffee, which I got ridiculed endlessly about, but that’s not it. It’s that I talk a lot and my coffee got cold. Several times I went to take a swig and ugh, gross, cold, nasty, bleh. When I finally realised… Gold members get free refills on coffee… Lovely! I head back up to the counter and ask and the guy was very polite and was more than happy to accommodate me, or he was a good actor, that we shall never know!


I return to our table to find the girls packing up. Apparently, Missy must bid us ado. Or me anyway, but being so that it’s been 3 hours, I suppose that’s ideal anyway. We all head out to our vehicles, which was a total opposite in balance. They enter what looks like a brand new SUV, I walk around the corner and get into my ’98 rustbucket. I start up my car and it was too cold to operate, so it screamed so loud I think you could hear it back in Iowa. Knowing full well I’m not going anywhere until she shuts off, I kick my door open throw my feet up and wait.


I arrive back at Nancy’s and it’s about 9:30 pm. She goes to bed at 9 pm, so I try to sneak in quietly. Which I would have got away with if it wasn’t for you meddling kids and your dumb dog! Scooby do anyone? There were no kids, but the dog part was accurate. Her two dogs heard me come in and start barking up a storm. They are in her room, so she clearly wakes up. Sorry about that by the way. Thankfully she finally gets them to hush up and I slip into my room. The floor creaks though so I learned to step way on the edges and hoist myself up by the walls to skip half the floor. That’s some American NinJa Warrior stuff I Just pulled out there! Yet, nobody was around to see it!


11 pm and I leave yet again. This time to a pool hall known as Break and Run Billiards! Now, you are supposed to get IDed there, but if you know how to hold yourself, nobody will bother you. The rest of the gang got IDed, but I didn’t. A win for J. We rack up and start to shooting. As you know I am a champion at Billiards. Or I would be if I ever bothered to play. Luckily we decided it was to be men vs. women and Alex was quite good. Oh, right, the people. Alex, Maria, Jenna and I are all at the pool hall. That’s how this should have started!


We played a total of 5 games. Men won 4 of them, which if you know how to do basic math, that leaves the women to win 1. Sadly, they won by me screwing up. Otherwise, it would have been 5/0. It was the 4th game and it’s Just me and the 8ball left. I call the top right corner pocket and take my shot. It heads right towards it then hits the side of the pocket instead. As I see it roll away I think “Oh well, Alex will get it on his turn!” But it kept rolling… and rolling, and rolling… Until it goes into the bottom right corner pocket. By calling the wrong pocket, it really doesn’t matter how good the shot was. It caused the guys to fort their first loss of the evening. I made us lose by making a shot… That was rather frustrating. Luckily we played another round and won. Which leaves the final tally 4/1 – Odds, I’m okay with!


It’s Just past 1 am so naturally, we head for Denny’s. I’ve spent a lot of late nights at Denny’s for their food and Wi-Fi, though I’m typically working, not chatting amongst new and old friends. I got the sampler and it was delicious. Ever notice how food is so much better really late/early in the day? It was perfect! I could tell Jenna wanted a quesadilla, by the way, let’s get this straight. It’s pronounced QuesadEEa, not QuasaDILL(Pickle?)a. Which the girls were so adamant amount being right when clearly they were wrong. That we bantered about it for several minutes. Now back to my story. I offered Jenna a quesadilla as she oh so clearly wanted, yet she declined. Why must people play this games, Just take the food. I surely don’t need it. In fact, I didn’t eat it. I saved it for tomorrow as I had too much other food.


Another thing, I do not say the word “Red” weird, southern or in any foreign dialect other than my own American, regular, basic tone. Glad we got that cleared up! Now you know how when you’re tired everything is funnier, right? Mara didn’t believe my name was J, so I pulled off my ring and handed it to her. (My ring from Hawaii has my name engraved into it.) Handed it to her and said, “It’s a J” – Which Jenna went crazy about! All night I’m hearing her say “I’m a J” in a Mario accent. I have a lot of different voices, but I was unaware “Italian Plumber” was one of them! I feel I won’t be living this one down for a while! But that’s okay, because it sounds adorable when she says it. As for dinner, I am normally the one to pay and I’m all good with that. But this was a group of 4, and I hardly know two of them. Alex offered to pay for the girls, which I accepted at the time. But once arrived at the restaurant I told the waitress to put mine on a separate tab. Which slipping her a note to put the girl in the corners food on my tab as well. I figure it this way, I drove out here to see Jenna. Thus, I should pay for her. After all, if not for I, it’s not likely she would be out there, ergo, my responsibility. I’m not writing this up to put me on a pedestal saying I paid for her food. I’m writing this part for the guys. If you’re out with a girl, dating or not, in most instances, unless priorly discussed, you should pay. Now explaining why is a whole other blog post, one I will write on my other site. Once I do I shall return here, provided I remember and send you over there. But for now, Just take as a rule of thumb. Odd saying, I know.


The other thing and this should also be on my other site. But there are underlying ground rules for eating out. If you’re the only one with food, don’t eat it. In fact, don’t eat until everyone has their food. I do this by default, so I didn’t even notice anything out of the ordinary. I am an Alpha and this is part of that. What caught me off guard is that Jenna commented on this. She asked why I wasn’t eating yet, prompting me to explain because neither of the girls have their food yet. Which she then replied in the sincerest tone I have ever heard her use and I quote “Wow, that is so nice. *slowly* That’s really nice.”  This is common practice for me and my students, but apparently not for the world. Is it serious so uncommon for that to happen that it is then worth mentioning when it does? Seriously? Speaking to the guys again – Have I taught you nothing? This should not be anything special, this should be a subconscious standard. Quite frankly, frankly? Why does he get the credit? Quite J-ly I’m rather upset that it’s not. We need more Alphas in the world, and if I’m the one to lead them, so be it. I will spend my time and money for the sake of humanity. So many little things, like the door! Pardon my language, but hold the damn door! It’s not that hard! JUST DO IT! I’m going to get off my soapbox now, but keep this things in mind, they are not that hard, but they sure make a difference. As the 21st-century gaming community one said “Get good, scrub. Get good” Adequately said gamers, adequately said.


Anyway, it’s nearly 4 am and sorry Nancy for getting your dogs riled up again. I swear I was trying to be quiet! Again… Now, I am hanging with Jenna once again at 6:30 am, thus leaving me less than 2 hours to sleep. So I better get to it. I’ll see your eyes tomorrow! Goodnight… morning…?



March 23, 2017 – Day 3


I lied, I didn’t sleep. Had not time… Oops?


I am not a morning person at all. But when you don’t sleep, mornings aren’t so bad. We didn’t end up leaving for coffee until closer to 7 am. So, I had ample of time to get ready!


I head to pick her up and normally I would go and knock on the door, as I should. But being so that it was so early I didn’t want to wake anyone. I did the ‘new standard’ and simply texted her I was outside, rude (or ‘rood’ as Jenna would say) I know. But I explained why I was texting and apparently, everyone was up, and I was supposed to go inside to see her mother. It’s been a long time since I’ve seen her mother, but I do recall the last time we met. For Jenna’s birthday, a few years back I sent her a can of Pringles – Salt and Vinegar in case you were wondering. So when I approach the table that her mother was at (years ago) she looked up at me and quote “Oh, so you’re Pringles Guy!” and that was me. Pringles Guy from then on! Back to present day, she still remembers me, which I was rather surprised about. But was actually rather neat. We chatted for a while in her living room, which by the way was weird to see in person. Jenna and I used to write letters back and forth all the time. So my paper, ink, time and effort have been to this house several times before, but I never had. It was cool to see where my letters had been going all this time. Or all that time, I guess we having written in a few years either. Still, it was really great to see, brought to one of those nostalgia moments.

We arrive at a coffee shop called Mocha Lisa. Clever, right? It used to be a house, but the converted it into a coffee shop. In case you hadn’t guessed already, it has a very homey feel to it! Quaint, but modern. Oh, and the smell. It smelled so good in there! All the different coffees and variations. If they mounted that scent into a candle, I would burn it all day long!

We do a little search of the place, or rather I do as she already knows the place. End up in a small room with art wall to wall! Along with a sign that I absolutely adored. “WARNING: 4 drink minimum for making out. This room is NOT available by the hour. ~ The Management” I burst out laughing and had to get a photo of it. Some of you have heard about how I want to open a coffee shop and those are the kinds of things I would put it. Strike a little humour into your day. In case you were wondering, we didn’t get 4 coffees.


The best part of the morning wasn’t the coffee, the conversation or the shop at all. It was a reaction. One I was not expecting, but am so glad I saw! You see, Jenna doesn’t drink caffeine. Something about it puts her a little off, so she no longer drinks it. However, as caffeine went away, so did coffee She’s nuts, I know! But she finally did have coffee, decaf (Gross), but coffee none-the-less! Prior to her first drink, I was unaware of this caffeine ordeal. I had heard a moment of it as she had hot chocolate at Starbucks but didn’t really understand. The moment arises and she takes her first sip of coffee in 6 months… Her reaction was so emotional, I kid you not, I was borderline orgasmic. I stopped in the midst of my story out of sheer confusion, but once I realise what was going on, I burst out laughing. I’m laughing again Just thinking about it! That expression was a maJor highlight of my Journey. A memory I will bring up in a decade and it will still be Just as funny as it was today! The best part was that it happened every time she took a drink! Slightly less sensational with each, but still close to the experience of the first. I really wish I had thought to take a photo, or better, a video! But sadly that expression will be held with me and me alone.


We chatted for a few hours about Just about everything. Again, wish I could share that with you guys, but there does need to be some parts of my life to be kept personal. I will tell you this, the conversation had a lot of sharp turns. From laughter to seriousness, to nearly crying, and back to laughter. We always tend to resort back to laughter because that’s the best way to live. There are a lot of people who like to laugh, but don’t make it a priority. You really should, it’ll change your life.


I’m going to apologise right now for how the rest of today’s entry is going to be written. I am in no state to write right now, I’m floating in the clouds. Which, no is not a drug reference. But if I wait to tell you guys my evening tomorrow I will have forgotten far too many details. Anyway, sorry for breaking the 4th wall, carry on.


A little after 7 pm we both head out to Lowe’s to meet with Maria. She works there and figured we’d all meet up early so we could chat before actually going to do anything. After a decent time on the road, we arrive and she resides at checkout #9. Which instantly made me think of 8675309. Boom, now you have a song stuck in your head. With only 7 numbers!


We chat for a while as it’s pretty dead at the store, but I have no idea what we spoke about. I was so out of it. I feel like I fell asleep at some point, but that usually happens laying down, so I’m not sure. We arrive at the same Billiards hall as last night. Don’t remember getting there, or when we picked up Abbi Strack. She’s kind of an important one. You should Google her, kind of famous so I was enthused. I’d heard about her for years, and I knew Jenna knew her, but I never figured I’d meet her. She funny, I like her.


Whooping butt at Billiards as per usual. I wasn’t kidding before, I am actually really good at Billiards. But last time Alex got nearly all the shots, so I could play the role of clueless. Today Maria and I were on a team, and we cleaned up pretty good. Though I swear it’s like she lines up a shot, then Just disregards everything and strikes the ball. However, I could be good now that I have them thinking a suck. Honestly, I didn’t do all that well as I was so tired. Still am actually, but I couldn’t focus well. I made some good shots, missed some really easy ones, but in the end of the last game, both teams are down to the 8Ball. Miss, miss, miss, miss, miss and eventually, I hone in and decide to take the game. I line up my shot for the most unexpected pocket. Calling the pocket behind it causing the ball to have to recache several times before landing in. But by this point, I had gotten a feel for the table and I was fairly confident I could do it. I call the back pocket, which led to some Lovely reactions from the other players. No way, how could you even, yeah right etc. I line up for the shot, tune everything out and strike it. Flies forward tips the 8Ball into a curve and send it’s bouncing right on point. Drop, without even hitting the edges of the pocket, it goes it clean. Jenna’s reaction was the best, total and complete confusion, not comprehending life. The hustle is a strong game, and it played out Lovely. I had no reason to play well the first night, Alex had it covered. Which set me up for the second night so much better.  It’s been a pleasure playing with you. Perhaps we’ll do this again sometime.


We drive back to Jenna’s, or apparently, I did. Rather short on a memory there too. But I must have as it was my car. It was less than 2 hours ago, but I am so out of it. Not from lack of sleep, though. But rather from this feeling that I have yet to name. Perhaps, you’ve had it, but I’m guessing most of you haven’t. It that feeling when you’re Just gone. Everything in the world is right and nothing could possibly go wrong. As if you’re flying, but without the wind. It’s little sitting on top of the clouds and not falling through. It’s where Bliss meets Joy and they both invite Perfection. It is VERY uncommon that I get this feeling. I believe I’ve only had it 2 other times and sure enough. One of those two was the last time I had to say goodbye to Jenna. Now don’t read this out of context here. I do not have feelings for Jenna. Well, that’s a lie, I have plenty of feelings for, and toward her, but not in the sense you’re thinking. I’m not in Love with her, I’m not infatuated with her, I don’t even have a petty crush on her. We’re only friends, but friends who apparently can take 5 years of silence and then pick up where we left off. A place a thought I had lost forever. One I had made peace with being gone, but tonight I realised that I was stupid to give that up. Things are very different now, for starters, she’s married. But married people can still have friends around, right?


There are certain things that you never forget. Personally, my sense of smell in extremely high. So even after all these years, I still remember her scent. Everyone has a scent. Not the cologne or perfume, but you’re scent as a person. I remember it and man did I miss that scent. Thinking back, we only ever really hung out in person for 2 weeks… ever. We kept in contact through the year, but we never met. Eventually contact slowed and stopped, but apparently, it’s still a working line. Now I missed more than her scent, I missed her eyes and how they show all her emotion. I missed her hair and how it shines with the sun. I missed her laugh being so genuine you Just have to laugh along. I missed her words that show how much she really cares. But most of all, I missed her hugs. Something about her hugs sparks a little hope back into the world. A simple gesture that lets you know everything is alright. I knew the moment I left her last time how much I would miss those. But to have one again was truly magical. Overall, I forgot how wonderful Jenna is as a person, as a whole. Makes me regret giving up 5 years of knowing one of the only true friends I ever had. But all in due time, we found each other again and it was probably for the best that we quit speaking. If we hadn’t things wouldn’t have happened the way they did. I wouldn’t change a single thing, it’s was as good as it gets.


But of course, how Lovely all this is, it can’t last. All good things must come to an end, and this is the end. Hopefully the end of this chapter and not the whole book, but I guess we’ll see. All in all, I’ll end with this. Jenna, you are one of if not the closest friend I’ve ever had. It’s only been a few hours, but I miss you dearly. You changed my life and showed me so much I would have never known. You made me happy when I was down, you helped me through a lot and I only hope to attempt to repay all you’ve done for me. For I know I am young, but if I am to die tonight, so be it. For at least I would end on a high note. At the end of one of the best days of my life. I’m still in the clouds Just thinking about it. But reality beckons. I am to return to Iowa tomorrow and all of this will be nothing but a glorious memory. One I will cherish for the rest of my life. Goodnight, everyone. Today has been perfect.



March 24, 2017 – Day 4


Hmm, reading yesterday’s log back this morning makes it looks sappy. I would change it, but I like this blog being the honest story of my life. If I wrote all that last night, I must have meant it. She is very special to me, I Just hadn’t realised how much.


So, I woke up 8 am giving me almost a full hour of sleep! Hop in my favourite shower and take one last shower here. It was grand! I really should build a better shower at my place. After I get ready I start packing up the car. Normally I use the back door, but I Just as well use the front as it’s a lot closer to my car and I have a lot of loads to take! I head out the front and hang up all my shirts and put my free weight on the backseat floor. Head back to the house and the door is locked… I know for a fact I did not lock it behind me and I don’t see how it would be possible to bump it locked! All these thoughts are running through my head. “Who else is in the house?”  “Nobody else is in the house.” “Did Nancy pull in and I Just miss it? Even if she did she would have gotten to that door awfully fast!” Then a look over at the window and see Rex, her dog, staring at me with malicious eyes… How did this dog lock me out?! How is that even possible? HE DOESN’T EVEN HAVE APPOSABLE THUMBS!!! I’m losing my mind, so I Just head around back and thankfully that door was unlocked. So I get back in and go to find out how he possibly locked me out! Turns out it’s Just one of those knobs that are unlocked on one side all the time. That way you never have to unlock it to leave, but it’s still safe 24/7. That explanation made a lot more sense than the dog, but man was I losing my mind! Deep down I knew it wasn’t possible, but when you’re running that that little sleep, it seemed potentially feasible. I’ve gone officially mad.


At around 11 am I head over to say one last goodbye to Jenna. She’s headed out to the Wisconsin Dells today for her cousin’s wedding tomorrow. But I would be long gone before she returned. Plus, I needed to get a photo with her so I could show you guys who this Jenna person even is. There she is… As I approach her house I find her father outside and we chat for a while. He explains where they’re going and why. Standard small time until I head inside. I find Jenna in the basement packing up her belongings. But she takes a break to take these oh so important photos. Apparently, she is the “Selfie Queen” so I let her figure that out. I’m good with a real camera taking real shots, but I’m not good at Selfies. Once wonderfully put this way “A selfie. A dumb name for a wonderful photography tradition.” #Truth. Her grandma comes in and what my favourite football team is, which I am clueless too. I don’t watch football or any sportsball for that matter. But as I started to explain this, Jenna flicks my back and very loudly whispers “Vikings!” instantly changing my tone to be 100% of the Vikings side. Her grandma gave me a hug and told me she Loved me. I was highly amused! As I’m headed out Jenna has an epiphany! She had a grass skirt for me to take home. I’ve always wanted one but never knew what I would do with it, so I never bought one. But as she hands it over, Abbi looks up and quickly retorts “Are you going to propose to a girl in that?!” I wasn’t, but I surely am now! It comes with a coconut bra and everything!!! I’m still excited about it. Actually, why wait? Give me a moment.


Alright, I’m back! It’s even better than I imagined! #HulaSkirtSelfie I look fabulous so don’t even try to dis this. In the past 3 days, I’ve gotten 8hr 38minutes of total sleep. 7hr 48 minutes of that being the first night. Yet, I can still rock a hula skirt! Even with these bags under my eyes. Can you do that? Bet you’ve never tried! Boom!


I was really tired trying to type this out, but now I’m all hyped again! That is an awesome skirt and it totally woke me up! HYPED! Anyway, I give Jenna one last hug and then rush back to Nancy’s. I had another human bidding my time, so I needed to leave to get over there! It was only about an hour and a half away and about an hour of that was on the same trail back to Iowa. I arrive at the house of OT. She has a real name I think, but that’s what everyone calls her. She has OT in huge letters on bedroom wall too, so it works Just fine! We start out by shooting some hoops, but you remember when I said I don’t watch sportsball, well l don’t really play it either. But I have a general sense of the game. She hands me the ball so I throw it behind my back into a spin and then make a Jump shot for a swish. It was pretty impressive, but I know I can’t do it again, so handed it back and never took another shot. She does this sportsball thing all the time, so even if I was good, I would have lost terribly! So instead of doing that, she invited another friend over and we headed to the basement to play Blowpong. I am good at that! All you need to be good is to have a lot of air in your lungs. There was one guy at camp that was at my level. I was the only one who could beat him, and he was the only one who could beat me. But he wasn’t here so I should have done wonderfully. Though I was distracted, so I was only mediocre. Still a lot better than basketball would have been!


Soon enough the parents head in and ask if I want to go to the Fish Fry. Or is it Fish Fri? It’s always on Fridays… Huh, I Just got that. That’s really clever! Props to whoever made that a thing! I have some time so we go to a restaurant called The Sullivan Saloon and the menu has more than fish. They had Cod & Chicken which did sound really good. But I saw a photo of Toasted Ravioli and it looked REALLY good. Plus, it’s cheaper, so that’s always a nice bonus. It was really good and Art (Parent) shared some of his Cod anyway, so I got to try how they did it anyway and they do fish right! I’ve had a lot of fish in my day, and a lot of places a terrible at cooking it properly, but they did it really well!


OH! Our waitress! She looks Just like my friend E! Honestly, I thought it was when she first came in. But E lives in Kansas and we’re in Wisconsin. That seems like a bit of an excessive commute to work in the morning! Turns out it wasn’t her, but I did show her a photo of E and she agreed that they look alike. Apparently, she gets that a lot too. Must be one of those faces!


We head back to OT’s house Just in time for me to leave. Art offered me a Monster, which is not something I usually drink, but I could surely use the energy for this drive home! It ended up actually being a Venom, which I’ve only ever had once before, but it was pretty good! I had actually purchased an Arnold Palmer at Walmart earlier, but with the Venom, I never had to drink it. So, now I have that left over for later! I wasn’t intending on stopping on my way home, I had Just enough gas to make it back and I can make it 5 hours without stopping. So I decided to use the loo at the house. Why are you telling us you used the loo there? We don’t need to know your business! Yes, I hear you! But there is a reason! It was the coolest toilet I’ve ever seen. Or coolest way to flush anyway. I couldn’t find the handle, so started doing a little dance. It’s got to be motion detection if there isn’t a handle, right? Nope, now I’m Just the weird guy dancing in the bathroom! Soon enough I find a small shiny ornament on the top. I figured it was decoration, but it’s mounted and attached… So I try pushing on it, but nothing happens, so I twist it and still nothing. Maybe it’s not the way to flush? I guess I could pull it? It worked, it flushed and then I burst out laughing. Everything is a little funnier when you’re tired, but the reason why I was laughing was because I realised what I’d Just done. I Just played Bop It with a toilet! I bopped it, I twisted it, and I pulled it. It a Bop It toilet!!! Also, I realise that Bop It is a rather old toy. So, if you don’t know what I’m talking about, you’re too young for me.


I take off back towards Iowa. 5 straight hours of blasted Jam session of the Hamilton soundtrack. My voice is very sore, but it was totally worth it! Makes the drive so much faster to listen to music. But I am back at my current residence in Iowa. The dogs are alive and it’s very late… or early… Time to stay up half the night watching Grey’s Anatomy. For all those people that do sleep, have a good rest. I’ll be over here having fun! 😉